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Thursday, March 5, 2009 Message No. 18: Scary Moment

Today I got such a fright (>_<)

I walked up to the glass automatic doors at UTS:INSEARCH in the prince centre, and I looked up at the sensor of the doors and at the corner of my eye I assumed that it was my reflection in the glass.

However it turned out to be another person at the other side and she must of been looking elsewhere as well cos we both bumped into each other. I was like AH! thinking that my reflection took on a tangible form or something, and all she did was go -eh Hi! and walked off.

That moment made me jump and all she said was hi (-_-')

Hehe I know its lame but yeah, it freaked me out!

Bye bye everyone~


p.s I didn't get to sit next to a hot guy on the train, instead I sat next to an Indian -sigh-

Posted at 8:58 PM

Message No. 17: Yo

Hey everyone~

Well I'm still at UTS - BOO!

I have to wait for the Duty tutorials which start at 5.30, which is in 4 minutes. So I'm just typing this blog up quickly before I go.

Well well well what to write? How about feelings

Feelings is;




in need to go pee pee

Mmm I wanna go home, but that means I have to catch the train during peak hour - EW!

Hmm maybe I'll end up sitting next to a sexy office worker - BUT my face is still swollen, I feel fat - Lol (>_<)

I feel like I have the face of a morbidly obese person. Anyways gonna go now

Bye bye~

Posted at 5:24 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Message No. 16: Gah

Bleh my face is soo swollen from laser. Lol my mum thinks I got bashed OR I got botox (-_-;)

Hopefully by tomorrow, I won't be as swollen...


Other than that, I went shopping today! - YAY

I bought myself two jackets which cost $25 each, they both look nice but they're both black. Kind of wanna have a colour range besides black, but for $25 I was willing to get them.

Mmm can't really think of anything else to say, too busy thinking about my swollen face (-_-*)

Posted at 3:28 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Message No. 15: YAWN!

Gaaah so sleepy -yawns-

UTS is totally draining all my energy away, I'm so sleepy and it feels like I haven't had a good nights sleep in weeks.

And I'm really not use to waking up at 6.40 every morning, I wasn't even use to waking up at 7.30 for high school, its why I always came late two hours (plus it was to miss out on the morning classes - Sadistic bitch teachers).

Hmmm I'll just have to keep trying, but I don't know how well I'll go...

Posted at 5:29 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009 Message No. 14: First day of the month~

Waahh first day of the month~

Feburary has ended and March has begun~

Summer has ended and Autumn has begun~

Can anyone feel the change?~

Mmm I can't, but then again I might of felt the change a week ago when the weather became cold. - Damn you climate change!

So I've just finished breakfast and now I think I'll just laze about all day, just as I did yesterday. Anita invited me to go to Helen's to make microwaved brownies, but I'm laaazzyy~

Last night was a bit nostalgic though as everyone was on skype, and as usual Daniel, Terri and myself were up late - ee it's been a while since I've done that. Though I don't think it's been that long, maybe as recent as a couple of weeks, but it already feels that things that I use to do often recently, are now memories. Feels a bit strange~ (~_~)

Hmm I wonder how long it'll be for something that I do now to become a memory. As they say all things come to an end~

Hehe I wonder how long it'll be for this blogspot to become a memory.


Ooo I got cupcakes, so bye bye everyone (^_~)v

Posted at 11:30 AM

Saturday, February 28, 2009 Message No. 13: Curse thy cravings!

Tap tap tap I'm typing my blog.

Anita and I are simultaneously typing our blogs while on skype, I can hear her keyboard tapping and her msn noise.

Ooo she just finished

She's criticizing it like shes a connoisseur - Lol

Ahh now she's talking about Vicky

So anyways today has been a really lazy day, I slept for 12 hours, felt sooo nice but I still feel sleepy. Gotta study again later tonight! - GAH!

I planned on doing stuff but I wasn't bothered, I just wanna lie down and sleep (>_<)

And I've also been thinking about food - Damn you Terri for passing on the cravings

I want chocolate ice cream




List goes on!!! -dies-

I'll just continue listening to Anita bitch about Vicky

Mmm playing castle wars now

Bye bye~

Posted at 5:38 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009 Message No. 12: Wah weekend arrives

Arrgh today has been such a long week! And now time of rest and relaxation has arrived.

I can hear my bed calling so I'll try not to make this blog too long.

Well today has been filled with ups and downs. Ups being ... hmm ups were ...umm. Okay there wasn't that many ups, or any that I can think of atm. Oh but I'll just say my ups was seeing Terri, Tiff, Celia, and Anita (I know you guys usually read my blog)

And the downs were obviously the BITCH, wounds recovering, and studying - Gah I'm finding it so hard to keep up with the recommended minimum study, which is 4 hours a day, 6 days a week (-_-)

I'm so not use to waking up at 6.30 in the morning as well, and spending the whole day studying, makes me sooo sleepy~ (~o~) -yawns-

Mmm a lil off topic now but today I had an interesting encounter with a stranger on the lift. She was complaining to some guy who got off at my floor and she started talking to me, saying that she must of woken up on the 'wrong side of the bed' because she is getting so pissed off at peoples stupidity. At that moment I knew I had to comment but I was like waaahhh gotta say something NOT stupid. So I replied with 'Let's hope you wake up on the right side tomorrow'. That doesn't sound stupid right? Anyways she said yeah lets hope, got to her floor and got off saying cha cha instead of goodbye. Now when I heard that I thought who the hell uses cha cha to say goodbye and considering that she was in her 40s or 50s, it sounded pretty ignorant. Does it not sound ignorant? Have I missed some kind of cultural lingo, specifically lingo of 40-50 year olds? Anyways I thought that was worth mentioning, don't know why but it's been on my mind.

Well it's 11:17 so I should go sleep.

Cha cha everyone~

ps - study makes my brain hurt

Posted at 11:01 PM

About Me

Ryan, a heavy jpop/rock fan who enjoys the company of friends and is losing too much weight in the eyes of his friends...



February 2009
March 2009

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