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Saturday, February 28, 2009 Message No. 13: Curse thy cravings!

Tap tap tap I'm typing my blog.

Anita and I are simultaneously typing our blogs while on skype, I can hear her keyboard tapping and her msn noise.

Ooo she just finished

She's criticizing it like shes a connoisseur - Lol

Ahh now she's talking about Vicky

So anyways today has been a really lazy day, I slept for 12 hours, felt sooo nice but I still feel sleepy. Gotta study again later tonight! - GAH!

I planned on doing stuff but I wasn't bothered, I just wanna lie down and sleep (>_<)

And I've also been thinking about food - Damn you Terri for passing on the cravings

I want chocolate ice cream




List goes on!!! -dies-

I'll just continue listening to Anita bitch about Vicky

Mmm playing castle wars now

Bye bye~

Posted at 5:38 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009 Message No. 12: Wah weekend arrives

Arrgh today has been such a long week! And now time of rest and relaxation has arrived.

I can hear my bed calling so I'll try not to make this blog too long.

Well today has been filled with ups and downs. Ups being ... hmm ups were ...umm. Okay there wasn't that many ups, or any that I can think of atm. Oh but I'll just say my ups was seeing Terri, Tiff, Celia, and Anita (I know you guys usually read my blog)

And the downs were obviously the BITCH, wounds recovering, and studying - Gah I'm finding it so hard to keep up with the recommended minimum study, which is 4 hours a day, 6 days a week (-_-)

I'm so not use to waking up at 6.30 in the morning as well, and spending the whole day studying, makes me sooo sleepy~ (~o~) -yawns-

Mmm a lil off topic now but today I had an interesting encounter with a stranger on the lift. She was complaining to some guy who got off at my floor and she started talking to me, saying that she must of woken up on the 'wrong side of the bed' because she is getting so pissed off at peoples stupidity. At that moment I knew I had to comment but I was like waaahhh gotta say something NOT stupid. So I replied with 'Let's hope you wake up on the right side tomorrow'. That doesn't sound stupid right? Anyways she said yeah lets hope, got to her floor and got off saying cha cha instead of goodbye. Now when I heard that I thought who the hell uses cha cha to say goodbye and considering that she was in her 40s or 50s, it sounded pretty ignorant. Does it not sound ignorant? Have I missed some kind of cultural lingo, specifically lingo of 40-50 year olds? Anyways I thought that was worth mentioning, don't know why but it's been on my mind.

Well it's 11:17 so I should go sleep.

Cha cha everyone~

ps - study makes my brain hurt

Posted at 11:01 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Message No. 11: The bitch!

Well this blog is about the bitch, most of you know who that is and obviously agree with me.

And from this first statement you can probably tell this will just be a rant.

I am sooooo annoyed with a certain bitch, and when I mean bitch, I mean FUCKING BITCH!

Not only is his personality excruciatingly annoying, but he has the nerve to tell me bullshit just because I won't lend the bitch money. If you have no fucking money then it's not my problem

And how fucking dare you tell other people that I'm a tightass when you yourself mooch off the government, your parents and other people. If I'm such a tightass then why do I not ask people for money, and at least I pay for my own stuff. If you're not a tightass then tell me when was the fucking last time you lent people money cos all I can see and hear is fucking moocher!

But what also annoys me is that you mooch for more 'luxurious' items then what you really need. Don't fucking complain to me that you only have two dollars and need another dollar so you can buy a bottle of coke rather than a can. If you want a fucking bottle then buy fucking water for $1.80, if you want coke fucking buy a can - DICKHEAD!

Not only does he need coke, but he can't watch movies unless they're in HD, like what the fuck is wrong with you. Did you not watch anything before HD came around. Also the fucking pillows, seriously you go into a store thats selling pillows for $10 but NOOOO you need the fucking $80 pillow cos it's soooo much better. What?! Like you can't sleep on anything that costs less than $80?! And yet you complain you don't have enough money for a $3 bottle of coke - LOSER!

You say you're not rich, you say you're not spoilt - BUT all you fucking do is complain how you need money so you can buy a HD LCD TV, how you need money to buy an $80 pillow, how you need money for a bottle of coke cos cans aren't good enough, how you need money to buy a 1TB external hard drive cos anything less isn't enough for you, how you need a larger cap limit for your net cos you download too much (He has a ridiculously large download limit! - Suggestion!: Try fucking streaming instead of having to download everything in HD)


ps, the bitch isn't suppose to see this XD

But knowing the bitch! - probably stalk it somehow (-_-')

Posted at 8:40 PM

Monday, February 23, 2009 Message No. 10: Studying is hard right?

Hey everyone~

I'm here in class at UTS:INSEARCH, doing ACAD101 (Academic literacy)

A blog can be counted as Academic Literacy as well right? right?!

Well yeah just a short blog, stomach hurts, and maybe I'll go library and eat.

Ooo class just finished

Bye bye

Posted at 5:02 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009 Message No. 9: Blog Skin

Mmm I've forgotten how difficult changing blog skins are, not to mention how fussy I am at stuff like this.

But I eventually got everything done, after choosing a skin out of 91 that I liked, and uploading music which I thought would be suitable. Does the song and skin suit togther?

I think I've had enough blogging for today, so I should start on my homework now.

Bye bye~

ps. I did not post this blog to fill up on 'missing' updates v(^_~)

Posted at 3:58 PM

Message No. 8: Detour

Hehe it's been a while since I blogged and I know some of you have been telling me to update, but I just haven't been in the mood. The reason why is because when I started this blog I didn't plan on writing about everything I did today or stuff like that - Was never my intention, but then it got to a point where my blogs were getting so long and I was just like 'GAH, I don't wanna keep doing this'. So I stopped blogging.

Even though I started this blog thinking I wouldn't do this or that, I'm not sure on what I want done. So I'll just go on a learning curve - Hehe gosh I'm being so fussy over things.

Hmm what do other people do on their blogs? Mmm Nao from Alice Nine. talks about the kind of foods he ate today, maybe I'll start of with that.

Today I ate a Banana - Exciting~! No?

Well because it's kind of a new beginning, I'll change my blog skin as well.

Bye bye everyone~

Posted at 1:59 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009 Message No. 7: First day of Orientation

Hello boys and girls, how was everyone's first day? Did you remember to eat your lunch? Go toilet during break-time?

Bleh I had bad hair day today. I had a restless night and woke up with major bedhead, which would not go so I wore a hat. Terri noted that I had a bad hair day because I was wearing a hat - 10 points Terri

Eventually I got ready and drove to the station, half-way there my p-plate flew off AGAIN, so I had to park and find my p-plate on the road. When I finally got to the station car park, I saw my train just arrive at the platform, but I didn't bother to run after it because it was too far.

Luckily! I wasn't the only one late and turned out that I arrived in the city not too far behind Terri, Anita and Alice. So it was all good.

So we walked around a bit and eventually made our way to Terri's orientation. We were her support group cheering her on and making ourselves embarrassingly remembered - This was confirmed when we came to my orientation several hours later.

While Terri was in orientation we went to Galaxy in Market City. I won myself a plush cow which I named Moo-Moo and we played DDR - On standard.

I also got my passport photos done - I'm so white! (*_*)

Terri finished her orientation and met us at Galaxy and we went off for food and then Karaoke - Terri and Me did the High School Musical duet.

After Karaoke we went Bing Lee where we saw a homeless man with his burger saved on his shoes. (<_<)

We then went Library and noted that it had an interesting smell and the C to K = Cock (^_^)

Eventually we made our way to my orientation and was all loner while waiting in line because my support group were lazy - They were busy sitting on the couch pointing and laughing, felt soo supported- (-_-')

Went in and sat in the second front row next to a girl I think named Joanne. Made small talk with her and got to know her better. Once the session was over we said our goodbyes and said that we'll see each other tomorrow morning during our class allocation. Unfortunately I don't think she'll be in my class because she is only doing part one.

I walked to Market City and met with Anita, Alice and Terri again and walked to Darling where we swapped belts and discussed how fat we were - FUN!

It started to rain so we called it a day and made our way to the station. They're train was before mine so we said our goodbyes. My train kept getting delayed and it finally arrived, but it took another hour to make it to my station - Turns out the driver was female, go figure.

I think I've done enough rambling. So tired and not bothered to think - Great start to a new school year.


p.s. If I missed out on anything, just go to Terri's blog

Posted at 9:44 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009 Photo's No. 1: Glimpse of haircut and Brendan's party

Hehe a glimpse of the party - WOO \(^-^)/

This is such an incriminating photo, but oh well~

And for those who wanted to see my haircut but haven't seen it yet - you can kind of see it

Hehe hopefully better photos will be uploaded soon


Posted at 1:45 PM

Message No. 6: The Morning After

It's the morning after, and I don't have a hangover which is good.

Sleep was restless, don't remember what time I went to sleep, but I woke up at 5ish and thought about the B'day cake, I sent a text to Terri on my thoughts.

I stayed up and tried to change the skin of my blog, but there's something I don't know how to do so I'll have to ask Tiff for help.

I read the news and watched Digimon

I don't remember Digimon being so good - I think it was the Alcohol

I stayed up a lil more and eventually went to sleep when my mum went to vacuum the house.

Woke up at 12 from the friken fire alarm - GAH!

And yeah, I think that's it. I can't exactly think of anything else to say at the moment so I guess that's it.

Bye bye ~


Posted at 12:37 PM

Message No/ 5

Oikay so ther4es not fucking phtoos so se tou tomorrow

ARhg fuckg whatever

Posted at 12:19 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009 MEssage No. 4????

Hey eveyrone,

AS proomised I w3ould make abblog for ygoday

I'm a bit drukn and I'm tryhinfbg my bbest to type, so please udjhnerstand

Umm I'm doing alot fo tyoois so it's ahrd fgor me todo spell check

Brendan's p[aryg was gooold when I got drum,n other than itwas mostly talk talk talk

But yeah alcholhj is goood tyo makej everybtibg fun

SHhhhh my mum doesn't know I'jlk m dru;nk

{Pujphtos stil not upl0oaded Ij hthink

So 2wjielk post otmorrowl


Posted at 11:51 PM

Message No. 3: STILL SO SO HOT!

Wahhh I'm dying from heat (*_*)

And I'm le tired!!!


Other than that, life is grand -cough-

So yeah, I forgot to make a post yesterday...Well not really forget, more like laziness, I was soo tired when I got home yesterday from Tari's B'day celebration.

And since I'm a day behind, I'll just talk about what happened yesterday rather than today (It's not like I've done anything so far...)

Well waking up in the morning I was so blah, my cold had gotten worse (THERE WERE NO MORE TISSUES!!!) and I woke up late!

So I got ready in a hurry, and missed two trains. Luckily everyone wasn't there so early so it was fine.

Eventually arrived at Central and met up with Terri who was also late. Got some stuff done and met up with the rest of the group. We all gave our presents to Tari, stroked my hair, played a bit of DDR and some other stupid game (The greatest $1 spent according to Anita) which got Anita and Terri two keyring Soccer balls - BOTH were broken by the end of the day.

The day was very much the usual - Food, Karaoke and Darling - As usual Darling was the most enjoyable for me, because it usually means running around like a nut, but Darling was extra special today because we got FREE chocolate - \(^o^)/

I took so much, but unfortunately later on it meant that my bag had a pool of melted chocolate - WHY?!?! VALENTINE PRESSIES RUINED! (ToT)


Also I was suppose to have photos up of my new haircut, unfortunately I can't make any photos of my own as my phone won't connect to my computer, and my camera is broken (;-;)

I was hoping that someone would upload yesterday's photos on Facebook last night, but it seems I wasn't the only one that was le tired - STILL no one hasn't uploaded anything on Facebook.

I'll try and make another post later tonight, or early morning...

Ciao ciao everyone~


Posted at 3:27 PM

Thursday, February 5, 2009 Message No. 2: It's hot

Hehe my second post on the second day, I wonder how long I can keep up with daily posts.

Well as some of you know, I went to go haircut today.

Ooo new haircut, I'm guessing you would like to see.


You will have to wait later tonight, or maybe tomorrow cos I can't upload photos from my phone at the moment - Shame, I know.

Because my Hairdressers is in the city, I had to catch the train. Unfortunately I faced several

Before I got on the train, I circled the small car park two times, and then parked in the 2 hour parking, but got paranoid so I moved my car and parked in the unlimited parking, luckily I did cos it was under the tree - YAY SHADE

Both of my trains were also the nice air-con Millennium Trains - YAYAY

BUT!! (<- That one deserves two exclamation marks) I unfortunately forgot to bring extra money with me on the way to the city. (>_<)

Once I got to the city I went to straight to the Hairdresser's, but James (That's my Hairdressers' name) wasn't there (*O*)


Turns out he was at the other store (There's two stores) -phew-

He's so difficult to get a hold of when you want a haircut (-_-')

So luckily my day wasn't wasted in going all the way to the city.

Byt the end of the day, I ended up only having enough for my train ticket, and the cost of my haircut ($38 in case you wanted to know). So in total I only had $43.05

In the end I'm left with 85c

Hehe completely broke...nearly. But luckily I had my man bag with me today and it had coins -phew- (^_^;)

Mm I was also suppose to take passport photos today just so when I hand in my photos for UTS: INSEARCH on Monday, I'll look the same...Hopefully. So I'll have to do it on Friday, before Tari's 18th B'day party - Woo \(^o^)/

Another thing I did today, which is kind of special to me, well special enough for me to mention. Is that I beeped my car's horn for the first time. - Yay (Mm that doesn't sound right)

Well I think that's it for today, enough rambling

I wonder what people will think of my hair tomorrow...


p.s My Cockatoo broke my tree -tears- (T_T)

Posted at 4:43 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Message No. 1: Beginning of blogspot era? Maybe

Well here it is, my blog

Amazing isn't it, I know some of you out there having been dying for the creation of moi's blog, and your wish has been granted.

I'm not exactly sure why I made it now, just decided randomly to make one now, I've always been putting it off and haven't been bothered to make one, and also being a past blog owner, I know and experienced how hard it is to keep alive.

So everyone out there give me strength, I'll do my best!!!! (*_*)

Also thanks Tiff for agreeing to help fix my blog -mwa- \(^o^)/


Now that the introduction is over, I'm already lost at what to write (*_*;)



Oh I know, well apparently I keep getting smaller and smaller each time Anita, Terri, Helen and probably others see me.

At first I didn't really listen to them, and just thought whatever, but today my Mum asked me am I taking diet pills - WHAT! (o_O)

So, I would like to get some feedback, am I really getting thinner?! (<_<)

Also feel free to input your thoughts on how I do get thinner (^_~)


Posted at 9:14 PM

About Me

Ryan, a heavy jpop/rock fan who enjoys the company of friends and is losing too much weight in the eyes of his friends...



February 2009
March 2009

Designer and Image